NYU MBA Admission in UAE

Applications Now Open for January 2026

The application for the January 2026 intake is open. Upcoming application deadline: June 9, 2025.

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The Stern at NYUAD One-year Full-time MBA Application

If you meet the following requirements, you are eligible to apply to the Stern at NYUAD One-year Full-time MBA program:

  • Undergraduate Degree: Students entering the Stern at NYUAD One-year Full-time MBA program are required to hold a bachelor’s degree (or its equivalent) from an accredited college or university.
  • Mastery of English: Please review the standardized test section to determine if you are required to take the TOEFL, IELTS, or DET exam.
  • We seek students who best exemplify Stern’s values: those who demonstrate strong intellectual ability and emotional aptitude, superior interpersonal skills, and a desire to create value for business and society.
  • Stern at NYUAD evaluates each candidate across three dimensions:
    • Academic Profile
    • Professional Achievements & Aspirations
    • Personal Characteristics


If you are applying as a re-applicant, please visit the re-applicants page.

If you are applying through our NYU + MBA Program, please visit the NYU + MBA Program page.

If you are applying through our Deferred Start Program, please visit the Deferred Start Program page.

Applications Now Open for January 2026

The application for the January 2026 intake is open. Upcoming application deadline: June 9, 2025.


Register your interest for more information
